Online collaboration with Thinkature

Online collaboration with Thinkature

Thinkature thumbnail
Found a great new online collaboration service today called Thinkature.
The site calls it a visual workspace – essentially an online shared page where you can draw, add images, text, sketch and do lots of other things too.
You can share your page in real time with other collaborators that you nominate and they can edit as well. There’s an instant messaging client built in too.
I can see Thinkature being very useful when used alongside Skype for one to one discussions or conference calls. I’ve often found myself trying to describe a complicated thought in words on a conference call, when a simple diagram would communicate the thought in seconds – Thinkature would be a great solution for this.
I know there are plenty of other web meeting services available, but I think this is a bit different as it’s for collaboration and idea development, as well as just sharing and communicating.


I work with technology-centric businesses as an interim Chief Operating Officer (COO), consultant and advisor. I created the B3 framework® for scaling technology businesses and I write a newsletter called Build for leaders who are building brilliant companies.