A bumper round-up this week as it’s been a full three weeks since the last one – thanks to local elections, a week-long holiday and domestic chaos thanks to our builders!
Broadband users spend half their spare time online
Some useful stats from a paid-for Media Screen report via ClickZ, based on research from July 2006.
Future of Online – May 2007
Useful report from an E-consultancy roundtable session, including views on search engine marketing, mobile marketing and online advertising.
UK research suggests web users receptive to pre-roll video on the web
Some useful information on how UK web users spend their time online, plus the suggestion that “the overwhelming majority of UK Internet users are open to pre-roll online video advertising, so long as it does not extend past 15 seconds in length”. The research comes from Utarget Networks, which “has recently launched an online video advertising pre-roll network” – so that finding comes as no surprise really.
Silver surfers close to becoming the largest group online
New stats from Hitwise show that over 55s, or ‘silver surfers’, account for 22% of online visits. The largest group online at the moment is the 35-44 age group, which accounted for 23.5% of internet visits in the four weeks up to 12th May.
More than 90% of UK teenagers have used a social networking site
Q Research report for MediaGuardian.co.uk shows that one-third of teenagers have at least four social networking profiles, and a key driver for this is that their friends use the sites too.
What annoys online shoppers
No surprises here really, but some information on what aspects of online shopping customer experience can prevent a purchase or just annoy the customer.
One third of podcast downloads not listened to
An interesting statistic that quantifies what I’ve always suspected to be the case, but have never known the extent of. The research also has some other useful information on podcast listeners.
Online retail in the UK grows faster than ever
Verdict Research says the key driver for this is faster and cheaper internet access in the UK. Sales expected to almost tripling over the next five years, with most growth coming from existing purchasers buying more rather than new online shoppers.
Third of employees ‘risk sack for blogging’
Croner research, quoted by E-consultancy, found that 39% of bloggers admitted to publishing sensitive or damaging posts about their workplace.
Communications Market 2007 – UK
Ofcom’s latest research into telecoms, television and radio markets in the UK. Lengthy stuff, but has loads of useful statistics and insights if you have the time to find them. Most of the general statistics are in this part of the report.
Advertising on web 2.0 sites converts less well, but is cheaper
New Media Knowledge reports some research by BlueLithium on advertising cost per conversion on web 2.0 sites compared to other websites. With my PR hat on, I’d question whether advertising is really the most effective way to generate value from web 2.0 properties, but the web marketers are impressed by the rtraffic volumes so advertising appears an attractive option.
Find more statistcs, research and analysis here.
Statistics, research and analysis round-up – w/e 25 May 2007

I work as a fractional Chief Operating Officer (COO), consultant and advisor. I created the B3 framework® for company building and I also write a newsletter called Build for leaders who care about creating resilient and sustainable businesses.