36% of online American adults consult Wikipedia
Usage is particularly high well-educated and current college-age students, says the latest research from Pew Internet & American Life Project
Ketchum media myths and realities 2006
A survey of 1,490 American adults and 500 corporate communicators to see how different media are consumed and used to communicate corporate messages.
US search engine rankings, March 2007
American web searches rose 6 percent from the previous month and and 14 percent from March 2006.
Forrester’s new social technographics report
Interesting reading on how consumers approach social technologies – including the concept of a participation ladder for these technologies.
MarketingSherpa research on viral marketing
Shows an increasing divide among marketers with experience of delivering viral campaigns and those without.
Understanding influence, and making it work for you
CNET Networks study on the nature of influence and the validity of common marketing models.
Honeymoon is over for social networks
MediaPost report on the pressure social network sites are under to realise value from their members (see also this report from the owners of MySpace)
Gartner’s five laws for virtual worlds
By the end of 2011, 80 percent of active internet users will have a presence in virtual worlds.
Social networkers spend more time on the web
No surprises there then, in a report from MySpace / Marketing Evolution.
Find more statistcs, research and analysis here.
Statistics, research and analysis round-up – w/e 27 April 2007

I work as a fractional Chief Operating Officer (COO), consultant and advisor. I created the B3 framework® for company building and I also write a newsletter called Build for leaders who care about creating resilient and sustainable businesses.