A little while back I wrote a blog post about the Chartered Institute of Public Relations elections for president elect 2010.
I’m backing Paul Mylrea MCIPR, Director of Communications for the Department for International Development in his bid to lead significant and long overdue change at the institute to make sure it’s fit to serve the needs of the public relations profession in the UK. You can read more about this in my original post.
The deadline for voting has been extended to this Friday – I’d encourage any members who haven’t voted yet to do so – the institute is at a critical point both strategically and financially.
Voting papers were mailed with the last issue of Profile magazine, but if you’ve lost yours contact Ben Carrett (020 7631 6900, BenC@cipr.co.uk) and he’ll fix you up with new paperwork quickly.
Voting deadline extended for CIPR elections

I work as a fractional Chief Operating Officer (COO), consultant and advisor. I created the B3 framework® for company building and I also write a newsletter called Build for leaders who care about creating resilient and sustainable businesses.