I’ve just hopped on a train and am on my way back home after presenting at today’s Don’t Panic Guide to Social Media conference in Manchester.
A great day so far with fascinating presentations from Tom Murphy (Microsoft) and Marshall Manson (Edelman). Many more to come during the day that I would have liked to stay for, but I’m equally keen to get home to my son’s school Christmas fair – and it’s a fair old trek back from Manchester to Whitstable.
I talked about how local government is using social media, my CIPR diploma research, case studies including the Mixit Podcast, Fuse Festival on social networks, Barnet Council and some first steps on getting social media into a council’s communications mix (thanks for Dave Briggs for the inspiration on the last point).
Here are my slides from the day. If you want to download the full powerpoint set, click through to my Slideshare page and you can grab them from there.