I’m pleased to say that I’m going to be attending the word of mouth conference up in London this Friday. The event has been put together by the guys at GREEN Communications and features a really broad range of speakers, from PR consultancy folk to academics.The event is being run by Nicky and Andy at Don’t Panic – the same team who ran the Delivering the New PR series over the past year.
The aim of the day is to explore how PR practictioners can best make use of word of mouth – one of the most powerful and trusted communications routes, yet one of the hardest to manage.
It’ll also be a good chance to meet fellow PR blogger Simon Collister – another blogger who I’ve read and have communicated with by email, but have never met in person. Simon’s blog is a really good read, so I’m sure we’ll have plenty of PR stuff to catch up on, not least of all our thoughts on the CIPR’s consultation document on social media.
If anyone else is heading to this event, do drop me a line – it’d be great to meet up.
[disclosure: I’m attending the event as guest of the organisers, Andy and Nicky Wake]
Word of mouth: making it work

I work as a fractional Chief Operating Officer (COO), consultant and advisor. I created the B3 framework® for company building and I also write a newsletter called Build for leaders who care about creating resilient and sustainable businesses.