After much debate triggered by Tom Foremski’s post a group is emerging from the global social media and PR community to come up with a new standard for the news release.
I’ve blogged about this before following Todd Defren’s post on a new template he’d created. Since then the project has snowballed and many more people have got involved.
The exciting thing about this project is that it’s open to anyone who wants to play, and is an opportunity for public relations practitioners to get involved with the future of our industry.
I’ve signed up to the group and have just posted my first thoughts using the Google Group. I’m looking forward to being involved in future developments and contributing to the debate.
Other places to check out for more background on the project are the Social Media Club and the New PR Wiki.
For good background to the project check out the venerable Shel Holtz (of FIR fame) and Chris Heuer on this podcast.
Developing a new standard for news releases
I work as a fractional Chief Operating Officer (COO), consultant and advisor. I created the B3 framework® for company building and I also write a newsletter called Build for leaders who care about creating resilient and sustainable businesses.